Absperrzeichen Minenfeld

Dieser Bereich wird gerade bearbeitet und kann noch nicht betreten werden.
In Kürze wird hier unser Glossar erscheinen.

Bis dahin können Sie ersatzweise das Glossar der Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) verwenden. http://www.gichd.ch/facts/glossary.htm
 Glossary of Mine Action Terms and Abbreviations (IMAS 04.10)
english Edition 1 (pdf document - 236KB)

english Glossary of Terms and Definitions: IMAS 04.10 Glossary (Edition 2) http://www.mineactionstandards.org/IMAS_archive/Final/0410.pdf

english Glossary as html http://www.landmines.org.uk/Glossary/

english International Mine Action Standards  (IMAS): Standard 1997 Original at http://www.mineactionstandards.org/1997standards.htm
Our Local Archiv version exists just to have everything available everytime ;-) and displaying the source (Section5.10) where 99,6% clearance as standard allowed the humanitarian deminers to oversee 4 live mines at 1000 existing ones. KMMCS is working at a 100% standard and had prooven to fulfill this guarantee.

The actual IMAS Edition 2 http://www.mineactionstandards.org/imas.htm contains NO Subsection, not even a planned one, for Stand Alone Mechancial Mine Clearance that KMMCS can do. The only nearby one is the planned 9.50 for Mechanical Assisted Clearance. Actual overview at http://www.mineactionstandards.org/IMAS_archive/Related/Framework(2003).pdf.

english Remarkable description for the reason, why to change the phrase from "The contractor must achieve at least 99.6 % of the agreed standard of clearance" to "all mine should be cleared" and than there is an understanding that there may be something left.


At http://www.mineactionstandards.org/IMAS_archive/Amended/Amended2/IMAS_0920_2.pdf Section C.5. Land use: "The target of humanitarian mine clearance remains the removal or destruction of ALL mines and UXO from the specified area to the specified depth."


KMMCS - Maschinelle Minenräumung und Bodensanierung
Tobias Steidle
Am Ehrenhain 2
D-38678 Clausthal
Tel.: +49 (0) 5323 92 21 55
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